Completing 'Adding Undo to RaiseMan' using Swift 3.0

It seems that in swift 5+ the interception for the insert and remove method is not more working. I tried a couple of different method signatures but none were invoked. I tried:

    @objc func insertObject(_ employee: Employee, inEmployeesAtIndex index: Int) { }
    @objc func insertObject(employee: Employee, inEmployeesAtIndex index: Int) { }
    @objc func insertEmployee(employee: Employee, inEmployeesAtIndex index: Int) { }

and for the remove method the same none is invoked.
Was anyone able to get that working in swift 5+?

Just FYI it seems that the interception is only used when both methods are correctly provided as such:

    @objc func insertObject(_ employee: Employee, inEmployeesAtIndex index: Int) { }
    @objc func removeObjectFromEmployeesAtIndex(_ index: Int) { }

So both must be declared. Whenever only one of those methods is missing the whole mechanism does not more work anymore.

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