Gold Challenge - tough one

I’m still struggling to implement this.

For one (and please don’t give me your code), I don’t have a proper implementation for getSectionItems:

func getSectionItems(for section: Int) -> [Item] {
    if section == 0 {
        return itemStore.over50Items
    } else {
        return itemStore.under50Items
    // I figure there's more to it than this

More broadly, why do the authors expect readers to take these huge leaps (solving Gold Challenges) when (most) readers can barely walk?

What am I missing? I read each chapter, I try to understand Apple Documentation as best I can. Yet I still feel wholly ill-equipped. And therefore stuck. Do I need to stop this book and pour through Apple’s Swift book, or return to more “remedial” how-to-program materials?

(I commented on my frustrations a bit more here: [How to read Apple Developer Documentation])