Where is the database file stored on my computer?

it seems like every program I have ever run in android studio is showing up in android device monitor

this is what shows up in the android studio console

08/17 08:51:30: Launching app
$ adb install-multiple -r D:\YSU\Summer\LawnCare\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_3.apk D:\YSU\Summer\LawnCare\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_9.apk D:\YSU\Summer\LawnCare\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_2.apk D:\YSU\Summer\LawnCare\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_0.apk D:\YSU\Summer\LawnCare\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\dep\dependencies.apk D:\YSU\Summer\LawnCare\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_1.apk D:\YSU\Summer\LawnCare\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_7.apk D:\YSU\Summer\LawnCare\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_4.apk D:\YSU\Summer\LawnCare\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_8.apk D:\YSU\Summer\LawnCare\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_5.apk D:\YSU\Summer\LawnCare\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_6.apk D:\YSU\Summer\LawnCare\app\build\outputs\apk\app-debug.apk
Split APKs installed
$ adb shell am start -n “com.michaelalanhenry.www.lawncare/com.michaelalanhenry.www.lawncare.MainActivity” -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -D
Connecting to com.michaelalanhenry.www.lawncare
Connected to the target VM, address: ‘localhost:8629’, transport: ‘socket’
Disconnected from the target VM, address: ‘localhost:8629’, transport: ‘socket’

when I run my app in android studio emulator, then click android device monitor, I can see my entry under devices:
however, clicking on this entry does not seem to effect the data being displayed in the right hand side, i.e. File Explorer
how can I find the specific entry I am looking for?

August 17 |

hmm, there may be a lot of reasons.
I know that If you are running this code in an Android emulator then that environment may not be able to directly access the Windows file system. I found that maybe it helps you. Source
maybe you change to file location where you know that you’ll have read/write permissions on the file.
I don’t know what you wrote in your code but in the android studio, maybe, you should check AndroidManifest.xml file and you must be sure whether permission.(internal storage or external storage etc.)
you should check this example

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when I am running criminal intent within the emulator and displaying fragment_crime.xml, if I make a change to the title data and click the left arrow - the program updates the database !!!
however, I cannot see where the code is that does this…
can you explain what event is being fired - that causes the database update?
where is this code?

August 17 |

hmm, there may be a lot of reasons.
I know that If you are running this code in an Android emulator then that environment may not be able to directly access the Windows file system. I found that maybe it helps you. Source
maybe you change to file location where you know that you’ll have read/write permissions on the file.
I don’t know what you wrote in your code but in the android studio, maybe, you should check AndroidManifest.xml file and you must be sure whether permission.(internal storage or external storage etc.)
you should check this example

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it looks like the database update logic is in the CrimeLab classhowever, I do not see where the functions are actually being called

when I am running criminal intent within the emulator and displaying fragment_crime.xml, if I make a change to the title data and click the left arrow - the program updates the database !!!
however, I cannot see where the code is that does this…
can you explain what event is being fired - that causes the database update?
where is this code?

August 17 |

hmm, there may be a lot of reasons.
I know that If you are running this code in an Android emulator then that environment may not be able to directly access the Windows file system. I found that maybe it helps you. Source
maybe you change to file location where you know that you’ll have read/write permissions on the file.
I don’t know what you wrote in your code but in the android studio, maybe, you should check AndroidManifest.xml file and you must be sure whether permission.(internal storage or external storage etc.)
you should check this example

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the android studio debugger says that the database file is in:
SQLiteDatabase: /data/data/com.bignerdranch.android.criminalintent/databases/crimeBase.db
where is that on my hard drive?

August 17 |

hmm, there may be a lot of reasons.
I know that If you are running this code in an Android emulator then that environment may not be able to directly access the Windows file system. I found that maybe it helps you. Source
maybe you change to file location where you know that you’ll have read/write permissions on the file.
I don’t know what you wrote in your code but in the android studio, maybe, you should check AndroidManifest.xml file and you must be sure whether permission.(internal storage or external storage etc.)
you should check this example

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You should check that.
and you should know that ADB is part of the Android SDK.
another your question answer is that: I explained this, above. I think your emulator is not root.However, I saw here, if you use sdk 23,24 api or lower, you can see db of the data folder in file explorer maybe.

CrimeLab class has the update () method for the database.Then,CrimeFragment class called the update method in onPause() function.But you should know that too: The CrimeListFragment, which has its own adapter, calls the setCrimes () function that is answered back and includes the list of crime.Then setCrimes() method sets to adapter in UpdateUI.What’s that mean?
1- creating or updating detail of crime
2- updating the database when pressing the back button.
4- updating the crime list and showing.
then, you can see the crime list you update or create. that’s it.