4th Edition Errata

On the middle of page 451 (printing version),

The next step is to display the labels of these activities in NerdLauncherFragment’s RecyclerView. An
activity’s label is its display name – something the user should recognize. Given that these activities
are launcher activities, the label is most likely the application name.

NerdLauncherFragment’s -> NerdLauncherActivity’s


Figure 23.7 of page 458 (printing version)

CrimeListActivity must be changed to MainActivity


1 Like

Figure 28.3 & 28.4 of page 582 (printing version)

PollService -> PollWorker


Chapter 21 Styles and Themes
Styles section

<style name="BeatBoxButton">
    <item name="android:background">@color/dark_blue</item>

Should be below depending on which API you choose (21 or newer, I believe)

<style name="BeatBoxButton">
    <item name="android:backgroundTint">@color/dark_blue</item>

Print version, p. 136 - paragraph giving the URL for the API breakdown dashboard (beginning with “If you are curious”) is now somewhat incorrect. Google, in their infinite wisdom, has decided that the only way you should be able to view the current API breakdown is by using the new project wizard.

When I try to open this link, it always says 404.