If I can sort the collection in place, then I need to change make the array mutable. Ergo, change ‘let’ to ‘var’.
Auto-complete in Xcode brought me to a sort(by:) method. But I’m not sure if they’re looking for the below as part of the Silver Challenge:
// bronze challenge: sort this collection in place -- without returning a new one
var volunteerCounts = [1,3,40,32,2,53,77,13]
print(volunteerCounts[volunteerCounts.count - 1]) // 13
volunteerCounts.sort(by: {$0 < $1})
print(volunteerCounts) // [1, 2, 3, 13, 32, 40, 53, 77]
print(volunteerCounts[volunteerCounts.count - 1]) // 77