Bronze Challenge - Sets

   let myCities = Set(["Atlanta", "Chicago", "Jacksonville", "New York", "San Francisco"])
    let yourCities = Set(["Chicago", "San Francisco", "Jacksonville"])

    let yourCitiesCheck = yourCities.isSubset(of: myCities)
    let myCitiesCheck = myCities.isSubset(of: yourCities)

    let checkTuple = (yourCitiesCheck, myCitiesCheck)

    switch checkTuple {
    case (true, false):
        print("I've been to all of the cities you've been to, but the reverse isn't true.")
    case (true, true):
        print("We've been to exactly the same cities.")
    case (false, true):
        print("I've not been to all of the cities you've been to, but you've been to all of the cities that I've been to.")
        print("We haven't been to any of the same cities")


var myCities: Set = ["Atlanta", "Chicago", "Jacksonville", "New York", "San Francisco"]

var yourCities: Set = ["Chicago", "San Francisco", "Jacksonville"]

myCities.isStrictSuperset(of: yourCities)