Challenge for Chapter 20 Foreign stocks

Here is my answer to the challenge. I swapped to .dot formatting with @property for the variables. I also added in a stockName NSString to make it easier to identify the stock.

[code]#import “BNRForeignStockholding.h”

@implementation BNRForeignStockholding

-(float) costInDollars //purchase * number of shares
float number = [super costInDollars];
float conversion = [self conversionRate];
return number * conversion;

-(float) valueInDollars //current * number of shares
float number = [super valueInDollars];
float conversion = [self conversionRate];
return number * conversion;


The cost of Orange Computers is 92.00
The value of Orange Computers is 180.00
The cost of MacroHard Computers is 1097.10
The value of MacroHard Computers is 950.40
The cost of AlephNull is 9471.00
The value of AlephNull is 10397.10
The cost of Alibabylon is 1311.00
The value of Alibabylon is 1425.00
The cost of Electric Sheep is 1170.00
The value of Electric Sheep is 1277.25