Chapter 12 Silver Chalenge

What does the challenge wording mean? I am confused on whether to use two separate event handlers for each element like so:

FormHandler.prototype.addOrderHandler = function (fn) {
    console.log('Setting input handler for order');

    this.$formElement.on('input', '[name="coffee"]', function (event){
      var order =;
 FormHandler.prototype.addStrengthHandler = function (fn) {
    console.log('Setting input handler for strength');

    this.$formElement.on('input', '[name="strength"]', function (event){
      var order =;

or use one event handler for the two elements:

FormHandler.prototype.addStrengthHandler = function (fn) {
    console.log('Setting input handler for strength');

    this.$formElement.on('input', '[name="strength"]', '[name="strength"]' function (event){
      var order =;

Any ideas?

I added registration of these 2 new callbacks, one per form control into the
addInputHandler of FormHandler:
FormHandler.prototype.addInputHandler = function(fn, fn2){
// new callback 1)
this.$formElement.on(‘input focus’, ‘[name=coffee]’, function(event){…});
//and new callback 2:
this.$sliderStrengthLevel.on(‘change’, function(event){ …});
}// end of FormHandler.prototype.addInputHandler

fn2 here is a new 2-value validation function, it is given as argument in main.js