I’m self-learning React and came up with this solution. It does seem to work. I wanted a sanity check to see if anyone else came up with the same or had a different approach.
import Header from './components/Header';
import ShuffleBtn from './components/ShuffleButton'
import Post from './components/Post';
import SelectedPost from './components/SelectedPost';
import Footer from './components/Footer';
import yellowCanary from './canary/yellow-canary.jpg';
import redCanary from './canary/red-canary.jpg';
import blueCanary from './canary/blue-canary.jpg';
import orangeCanary from './canary/orange-canary.jpg';
import { useState } from 'react';
import './App.css';
const canaryArray = [
{image: yellowCanary, name: "Twinkle", id: 1},
{image: redCanary, name: "Pepper", id: 2},
{image: blueCanary, name: "Ocean", id: 3},
{image: orangeCanary, name: "Sunny", id: 4}
const wikiArray = [
{url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_canary", id:1},
{url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_canary", id:2}
function App() {
const [canaryArrayState,setCanaryArrayState] = useState(canaryArray);
return (
<div className="App">
<Header />
<ShuffleBtn canaryArrayState={canaryArrayState} setCanaryArrayState={setCanaryArrayState} />
<div className='app-content'>
<ul className='post-list'>
{canaryArrayState.map((post) => (
<Post key={post.id} image={post.image} name={post.name} />
image={canaryArray[0].image} />
{wikiArray.map((wikilist)=> (
<Footer key={wikilist.id} url={wikilist.url} />
export default App;
New component called ShuffleButton.js
function ShuffleButton ({canaryArrayState, setCanaryArrayState}){
const handleClick = (canaryArray, setCanaryArray) => {
//window.alert('You clicked ');
let shuffleItem = canaryArray.shift();
let newCanaryArry = [...canaryArray];
return (
<button onClick={() => handleClick(canaryArrayState, setCanaryArrayState) }>Shuffle</button>
export default ShuffleButton;