I finally figured out what you meant by the “red stoplight button”: the red X that a user clicks on to close a window! I was looking around Xcode for some type of color scheme that displayed a red stop sign.
By the way, Cocoa uses a naming convention like this:
The “Will” functions tell you when an event, in this case “Close”, is about to happen, so if you need to do something before the event happens, you implement that function.
The “Did” functions tell you when an event just occurred, so if you need to do something after the event occurred, you implement that function. One example of such a function that we’ve seen already in the book is: windowDidLoad().
The “Should” functions tell you that an event is about to happen–just like with the “Will” functions–but with the “Should” functions you can cancel the event. The “Should” functions are defined to return a Bool, i.e. true or false, and if you return false, then the event will be cancelled. In contrast, the “Will” and “Did” functions are not defined to return anything, so when you implement one of those functions, you do not have the opportunity to return false to cancel the event.
In SpeakLine, you are told to implement:
and the return statement looks like this:
return !isStarted
When isStarted is true, i.e. the SpeechSynthesizer is speaking, then the function returns !true, which is the same as false–which cancels the event.
Every time you click on the red X to close the window, Cocoa calls windowShouldClose( again, and if windowShouldClose( returns false, then the “close the window” event is cancelled. You can think of it this way: the “Should” functions are asking you a question, “windowShouldClose?” And by returning true or false, you are answering the question.