Fig 3.4 - "Experimental" logcat filtering looks simpler now

I am using Android Studio Flamingo | 2022.2.1 Patch 1
My Logcat tab looks different to the one in the book, and there is no dropdown to edit filter configurations.
Instead you can just type “tag:MainActivity” and it filters for you. If you clear the text box it says “Press ^Space to see suggestions”

I noticed for this particular version of Android Studio, under Android Studio → Settings when I search for “logcat” , there is an Experimental tab and Logcat → “Enable new Logcat tool window” checkbox is selected. If I unselect this then I see the version depicted in the book. Presumably this will not be an experimental feature in newer versions


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Android Studio Flamingo has a new feature that makes it easier to filter logs. Just type what you want to filter, like “tag:MainActivity”. If you want the old filter style, turn off the “Enable new Logcat tool window” option. This new feature might be standard in the next versions of Android Studio.