HELP! How to print out what asset every emplyee own?


I am trying to work out what asset every emplyee owns and in main.m I cycle through all empolyee and each employee’s assets and try to access asset’s label:

for(BNREmployee *emp in employees){
NSLog(@“Employee %d owns the following assets:”,emp.employeeID);
for (BNRAsset *a in emp.asssets) {

Problem seems to be accessing “emp.assets” only get me a null, although in the “BNREmployee.m” it should return with NSArray pointer, isn’t it?
I don’t know what I do wrong. Help.


Sorry about the code mess up. Here it is again:

        for(BNREmployee *emp in employees){
            NSLog(@"Employee %d owns the following assets:",emp.employeeID);
            for (BNRAsset *a in emp.asssets) {

Oops, I found out I have a typo. The original code’s “asssets” should be “assets”. And I made the same mistake in the interface file. That’s why an array was declared but no value was ever given. I didn’t pick this up because the compiler never flag any problem.

Apology about about the post… CJ