I had the same problem with no leaks showing up. I’m extremely annoyed by this chapter. Anyway I came on here looking for answers and saw your post. I Googled around a bit and this seems to have worked. Try this:
Go to Product up above.
Then click on Scheme. Then click on Edit Scheme.
Click on Profile BMITime on the left-hand side.
Switch the Build Configuration from Release to Debug and then give it a shot.
I also modified my main.m different from the books suggestion to make it more apparent when leaks started to appear. If you click on Console underneath the Cycles & Roots you can see your program running. If an employee doesn’t have an asset assigned to them then nothing will show up. But under the Graph column under Cycles & Roots a picture should now show up. Hope that helps.
NSLog(@"Employees: %@", employeesArray);
NSLog (@"Giving up ownership of one employee every 15 seconds");
for (NSUInteger i = [employeesArray count]; i > 0; i--) {
sleep (15);
[employeesArray removeObjectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(@"Giving up ownership of employeesArray");
employeesArray = nil;
// // Remove 15 assets
// for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
// // Get a random number between 0 and 9
// NSUInteger randomIndex2 = random() % [employeesArray count];
// // Get a random employee from the array
// BNREmployee *randomEmployee2 = [employeesArray objectAtIndex:randomIndex2];
// // Remove the assets from the employee
// [randomEmployee2 removeAsset];
// }
return 0;