I am wondering why the employee from which I remove an asset using my newly implemented ‘removeAsset’ method is not deallocated when employees is set to nil? Every other employee is deallocated, and their corresponding assets are deallocated. However, the employee from which I removed an asset is only deallocated (along with its remaining assets) before ending with exit code: 0.
Here is my output:
Employees: (
<“Employee 0: $0 in assets>”,
<“Employee 1: $503 in assets>”,
<“Employee 2: $469 in assets>”,
<“Employee 3: $768 in assets>”,
<“Employee 4: $0 in assets>”,
<“Employee 5: $836 in assets>”,
<“Employee 6: $819 in assets>”,
<“Employee 7: $384 in assets>”,
<“Employee 8: $0 in assets>”,
<“Employee 9: $486 in assets>”
Removing asset from employee 3
deallocating <Laptop 0: $350>
employees count: 10
Giving up ownership of arrays
deallocating <Employee 0: $0 in assets>
deallocating <Employee 1: $503 in assets>
deallocating <Laptop 9: $503>
deallocating <Employee 2: $469 in assets>
deallocating <Laptop 7: $469>
deallocating <Employee 4: $0 in assets>
deallocating <Employee 5: $836 in assets>
deallocating <Laptop 3: $401>
deallocating <Laptop 5: $435>
deallocating <Employee 6: $819 in assets>
deallocating <Laptop 1: $367>
deallocating <Laptop 6: $452>
deallocating <Employee 7: $384 in assets>
deallocating <Laptop 2: $384>
deallocating <Employee 8: $0 in assets>
deallocating <Employee 9: $486 in assets>
deallocating <Laptop 8: $486>
employees count: 0
deallocating <Employee 3: $418 in assets>
deallocating <Laptop 4: $418>
Program ended with exit code: 0`
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "BNREmployee.h"
#import "BNRAsset.h"
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {
// Create an array of BNREmployee objects
NSMutableArray *employees = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Create an instance of BNREmployee
BNREmployee *mikey = [[BNREmployee alloc] init];
// Give the instance variables interesting values
mikey.weightInKilos = 90 + i;
mikey.heightInMeters = 1.8 - i/10.0;
mikey.employeeID = i;
// Put the emloyee in the employees array
[employees addObject:mikey];
// Create 10 assets
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Create an asset
BNRAsset *asset = [[BNRAsset alloc] init];
// Give it an interesting label
NSString *currentLabel = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Laptop %d", i];
asset.label = currentLabel;
asset.resaleValue = 350 + i * 17;
// Get a random number between 0 and 9 inclusive
NSUInteger randomIndex = random() % [employees count];
// Find that employee
BNREmployee *randomEmployee = [employees objectAtIndex:randomIndex];
// Assign the asset to the employee
[randomEmployee addAsset:asset];
NSLog(@"Employees: %@", employees);
NSLog(@"Removing asset from employee 3\n");
BNREmployee *employeeNumberThree = [employees objectAtIndex:3];
[employeeNumberThree removeAsset:employeeNumberThree.assets[0]];
NSLog(@"employees count: %lu\n", (unsigned long)[employees count]);
NSLog(@"Giving up ownership of arrays\n");
employees = nil;
NSLog(@"employees count: %lu\n", (unsigned long)[employees count]);
return 0;
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "BNRPerson.h"
@class BNRAsset;
@interface BNREmployee : BNRPerson
NSMutableArray *_assets;
@property (nonatomic) unsigned int employeeID;
@property (nonatomic) unsigned int officeAlarmCode;
@property (nonatomic) NSDate *hireDate;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray *assets;
- (double)yearsOfEmployment;
- (void)addAsset:(BNRAsset *)a;
- (void)removeAsset:(BNRAsset *)a;
- (unsigned int)valueOfAssets;
#import "BNREmployee.h"
#import "BNRAsset.h"
@implementation BNREmployee
// Accessors for assets properties
- (void)setAssets:(NSArray *)a
_assets = [a mutableCopy];
- (NSArray *)assets
return [_assets copy];
- (void)addAsset:(BNRAsset *)a
// Is assets nil?
if (!_assets) {
// Create the array
_assets = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[_assets addObject:a];
- (void)removeAsset:(BNRAsset *)a
if (_assets) {
[_assets removeObject:a];
- (unsigned int)valueOfAssets
// Sum up the resale value of the assets
unsigned int sum = 0;
for (BNRAsset *a in _assets) {
sum += [a resaleValue];
return sum;
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<Employee %u: $%u in assets>", self.employeeID, self.valueOfAssets];
- (void)dealloc
NSLog(@"deallocating %@", self);