My solution for the Error Handling Bronze/Silver/Gold challenges

Here’s my solution in case anybody wants to see how I did it. I didn’t end up using any recursive behaviors for the gold solution, as the book suggests doing. Instead, I go through the token array and handle all multiplication and division sequences first, before beginning parsing the addition and subtraction. I’m using Xcode 10.1.

import Cocoa

enum Token {
    // Every case has the input position as the first associated value
    case number(Int, Int)
    case plus(Int)
    case minus(Int)
    case times(Int)
    case dividedBy(Int)
    func getValues() -> (Int, Int?) {
        switch self {
        case .number(let index, let value):
            return (index, value)
        case .plus(let index), .minus(let index), .times(let index), .dividedBy(let index):
            return (index, nil)

class Lexer {
    enum Error: Swift.Error {
        case invalidCharacter(Int, Character)
    let input: String
    var position: String.Index {
        didSet {
           index = input.distance(from: input.startIndex, to: position)
    var index = 0
    init(input: String) {
        self.input = input
        self.position = self.input.startIndex
    func peek() -> Character? {
        guard position < input.endIndex else {
            return nil 
        return input[position]
    func advance() {
        assert(position < input.endIndex, "Cannot advance past endIndex!")
        position = input.index(after: position)
    func getNumber() -> Int {
        var value = 0
        while let nextCharacter = peek() {
            switch nextCharacter {
            case "0" ... "9":
                // Another digit - add it into value
                let digitValue = Int(String(nextCharacter))!
                value = 10*value + digitValue
                // a nondigit - go back to regular lexing
                return value
        return value
    func lex() throws -> [Token] {
        var tokens = [Token]()
        while let nextCharacter = peek() {
            switch nextCharacter {
            case "0" ... "9":
                let value = getNumber()
                tokens.append(.number(index, value))
            case "+":
            case "-":
            case "*":
            case "/":
            case " ":
                // just advance to ignore spaces
                let distanceToPosition = input.distance(from: input.startIndex, to: position)
                throw Lexer.Error.invalidCharacter(distanceToPosition, nextCharacter)
        return tokens

class Parser {
    enum Error: Swift.Error {
        case unexpectedEndOfInput
        case invalidToken(Int, Int)
        case repetitiveOperations(Int)
        case failedToHandleMultiplicationOrDivision
    var tokens: [Token]
    var position = 0
    init(tokens: [Token]) {
        self.tokens = tokens
    func tokenPeek() -> Token? {
        guard position < tokens.endIndex else {
            return nil
        return tokens[position]
    func getNextToken() -> Token? {
        guard position < tokens.count else {
            return nil
        let token = tokens[position]
        position += 1
        return token
    func getNumber() throws -> Int {
        guard let token = getNextToken() else {
            throw Parser.Error.unexpectedEndOfInput
        switch token {
        case .number(_, let value):
            return value
        case .plus, .minus, .times, .dividedBy:
            throw Parser.Error.repetitiveOperations(token.getValues().0)
    func replaceProductSequence(with product: Int) {
        // replace * or / token with the product
        tokens[position - 1] = .number(position, product)
        // remove previous and following tokens
        tokens.remove(at: position)
        tokens.remove(at: position - 2)
    func parse() throws -> Int {

        // Check for and handle multiplication or division sequences
        var previousToken: Token?
        func handleProductSequence() {
            previousToken = nil
            position = 0
            loop: while let token = getNextToken() {
                switch token {
                case .times:
                    // product placeholder with default value of 1
                    var product = 1
                    // multiply previous token by next token
                    if let previousValue = previousToken?.getValues().1, let nextValue = tokenPeek()?.getValues().1 {
                        product = previousValue * nextValue
                        replaceProductSequence(with: product)
                    // break out of loop once a replacement is complete to allow handling to restart on the mutated array
                    break loop
                case .dividedBy:
                    // product placeholder with default value of 1
                    var product = 1
                    // divide previous token by next token
                    if let previousValue = previousToken?.getValues().1, let nextValue = tokenPeek()?.getValues().1 {
                        product = previousValue / nextValue
                        replaceProductSequence(with: product)
                    // break out of loop once a replacement is complete to allow handling to restart on the mutated array
                    break loop
                previousToken = token
        // run product sequence handler at least once for every token;
        // this ensures that subsequent multiplication or division statements are handled
        for _ in 0..<tokens.count {
        // reset position before beginning parsing
        position = 0
        // require a number as first token
        var value = try getNumber()
        while let token = getNextToken() {
            switch token {
            case .plus:
                // After a plus, we must get another number
                let nextNumber = try getNumber()
                value += nextNumber
            case .minus:
                let nextNumber = try getNumber()
                value -= nextNumber
            // Getting a number after a number is not legal
            case .number:
                throw Parser.Error.invalidToken(token.getValues().0, token.getValues().1!)
            case .times, .dividedBy:
                throw Parser.Error.failedToHandleMultiplicationOrDivision
        return value

func evaluate(_ input: String) {
    print("Evaluating: \(input)")
    let lexer = Lexer(input: input)
    do {
        let tokens = try lexer.lex()
        print("Lexer output: \(tokens)")
        let parser = Parser(tokens: tokens)
        let result = try parser.parse()
        print("Parser output: \(result)")
    } catch Lexer.Error.invalidCharacter(let index, let character) {
        print("Input contained an invalid character at index \(index): \(character)")
    } catch Parser.Error.unexpectedEndOfInput {
        print("Unexpected end of input during parsing")
    } catch Parser.Error.invalidToken(let index, let value) {
        print("Invalid token during parsing at index \(index): \(value)")
    } catch Parser.Error.repetitiveOperations(let index){
        if index == 0 {
            print("Invalid token during parsing at index \(index). First token must be a number")
        } else {
            print("Invalid token during parsing at index \(index). There are repetitive operators")
    } catch Parser.Error.failedToHandleMultiplicationOrDivision {
        print("Failed to handle multiplication and/or division sequences; check operators")
    } catch {
        print("An error occurred: \(error)")

evaluate(" 1 + 3 / 2 * 5 * 10")


Evaluating:  1 + 3 / 2 * 5 * 10
Lexer output: [__lldb_expr_66.Token.number(2, 1),, __lldb_expr_66.Token.number(6, 3), __lldb_expr_66.Token.dividedBy(7), __lldb_expr_66.Token.number(10, 2), __lldb_expr_66.Token.times(11), __lldb_expr_66.Token.number(14, 5), __lldb_expr_66.Token.times(15), __lldb_expr_66.Token.number(19, 10)]
Parser output: 51

Ah! Now I see I was missing the strings on the loops. Thanks a lot buddy for posting up the solution!

Bimli Dotru