Here is my solution to the stocks challenge. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks.
BNRStockHolding.h file
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface BNRStockHolding : NSObject
float _purchasePrice;
float _currentPrice;
int _numberOfShares;
[code]@implementation BNRStockHolding
// setter and getter for purchase price instance variable
return _purchasePrice;
_purchasePrice = purchasePrice;
// setter and getter for currentPrice
return _currentPrice;
_currentPrice = currentPrice;
// setter and getter for numberOfSharess
return _numberOfShares;
_numberOfShares = numberOfShares;
// define the custom methods for the class
return _purchasePrice * _numberOfShares;
return _currentPrice * _numberOfShares;
main.m file
[code]#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import “BNRStockHolding.h”
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
@autoreleasepool {
// create the first instance of BNRStockHolding with unique instance variables
BNRStockHolding *firstStock = [[BNRStockHolding alloc]init];
[firstStock setNumberOfShares:40];
[firstStock setPurchasePrice:2.30];
[firstStock setCurrentPrice:4.50];
// create the second instance of BNRStockHolding with unique instance variables
BNRStockHolding *secondStock = [[BNRStockHolding alloc]init];
[secondStock setNumberOfShares:90];
[secondStock setPurchasePrice:12.19];
[secondStock setCurrentPrice:10.56];
// create the third instance of BNRStockHolding with unique instance variables
BNRStockHolding *thirdStock = [[BNRStockHolding alloc]init];
[thirdStock setNumberOfShares:210];
[thirdStock setPurchasePrice:45.10];
[thirdStock setCurrentPrice:49.51];
NSMutableArray *myStocks = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
[myStocks addObject:firstStock];
[myStocks addObject:secondStock];
[myStocks addObject:thirdStock];
// iterate through the array
NSUInteger stockCount = [myStocks count];
for (int i = 0; i < stockCount; i++){
BNRStockHolding *s = myStocks[i];
NSLog(@"Stock number %d has the following values:", i + 1);
NSLog(@"Purchase price: %.2f", [s purchasePrice]);
NSLog(@"Current price: %.2f", [s currentPrice]);
NSLog(@"Number of shares: %d", [s numberOfShares]);
NSLog(@"Current value: %.2f", [s valueInDollars]);
NSLog(@"Total cost: %.2f", [s costInDollars]);
NSLog(@"Gain/Loss: %.2f", [s valueInDollars] - [s costInDollars]);
return 0;
I know you could do it shorter with @property but I was trying to do it they way we had learned so far in the book. Thanks!