NSPredicate format for date comparison

I have the following code to search a tableView. The contains format works fine for string arguments however can’t seem to find the correct format to work with date arguments.

 @objc func invoiceSearch(sender:NSSearchField) {
    //    print ("\(#function): \(sender.stringValue)")
            let searchString = sender.stringValue
            var predicate:NSPredicate = NSPredicate()
            if searchString.isEmpty {
                invoices = self.backUpInvoices
            else{       // search field contains data
                if (invoiceSearchField.cell as? NSSearchFieldCell)?.placeholderString == "All" {
                    predicate = NSPredicate(format: "invoiceNumber contains %@ OR invoiceCustName contains %@ OR invoiceStatus contains %@ OR invoiceDateCreated >= %@",searchString,searchString,searchString,searchString)
                else if (invoiceSearchField.cell as? NSSearchFieldCell)?.placeholderString == "invoice Number" {
                    predicate = NSPredicate(format: "invoiceNumber contains %@",searchString)
                else if (invoiceSearchField.cell as? NSSearchFieldCell)?.placeholderString == "invoice Customer"{
                    predicate = NSPredicate(format: "invoiceCustName contains %@",searchString)
                else if (invoiceSearchField.cell as? NSSearchFieldCell)?.placeholderString == "invoice Status"{
                    predicate = NSPredicate(format: "invoiceStatus contains %@",searchString)
                else if (invoiceSearchField.cell as? NSSearchFieldCell)?.placeholderString == "Invoice Date"{
                      predicate = NSPredicate(format: "invoiceDateCreated >= %@", searchString as CVarArg)
                invoices = (self.backUpInvoices as NSArray).filtered(using: predicate) as! [Invoice]
            invoiceCount = "Found \(items.count ) Invoices"
            invoiceStatusLabel.stringValue = invoiceCount

InvoiceDateCreated is defined by the following within a NSObject class:
@objc   var invoiceDateCreated: Date? = Date()

The error I get when trying to search on date is 2022-09-26 09:14:36.638553-0500 CashToMe[9107:6838576] [General] -[NSTaggedPointerString objCType]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

I have read through the following documentation Predicate Format String Syntax

How can I fix this. Also, if there is a better/newer way to code this I am open to changing the code.


The problem seems to be with the variable invoiceDateCreated because it is a foundation date and not NSDate object. Any ideas how to change this to get it working?