Page 20 setting target and actions not work as described

Hi all, I am on Page 20, I use old method to drag and point buttons to Xcode.swift, the Xcode wrote these methods for me:

@IBAction func showNextQuestion( _ sender: Any ) {


@IBAction func showAnswer( _ sender: Any ) {



instead od these

@IBAction func showNextQuestion(_ sender: UIButton) {

@IBAction func showAnwser(_ sender: UIButton) {

But when I tried to connect the view controller as described in the book, there are no options to choose as in the book, the only two options are (outlet and view)

But I knew from other tutorials how to connect by using assistance

May be I am too late. But I made the same mistake. You need to drag the button to View controller. Earlier in the chapter, we started dragging the view controller to the label. Hope this helps any one in future who faces similar issue.