PlaceOrder Function not working correctly

val message = “$patron buys a $name ($type) for $price.”

It only prints the the iced boiler makers and not the other drinks.

Good evening, Heather - you’re #1 in line.
Heather says: Thanks for the pickled camel hump.
Good evening, Rodan - you’re #2 in line.
Rodan exclaims: 4H, D3L1C10|_|S DR4G0N’S BR34TH!
Good evening, Charmarion - you’re #3 in line.
Charmarion says: Thanks for the pickled camel hump.
Good evening, Charles - you’re #4 in line.
Charles buys a iced boilermaker (elixir) for 11.22.
Charles says: Thanks for the iced boilermaker.