I was wondering how you got xcode to recognize the new attribute viewCount for the entity Photo? I tried it and x code complains that there is no new attribute.
The steps to add the new attribute viewCount to the Photo entity is just the same as those for other attributes like title, photoID.
What exact error message from Xcode do you get?
I added the attribute viewCount to the core data model and made it integer64. When I set the viewCount to 0 in the flickrAPI i get the error value of type Photo has no member viewCount.
Open Photorama.xcdatamodeld. Select the Photo entity and open the Data Model inspector. In the Class section, locate the Codegen option and select Class Definition.
Delete the files Photo+CoreDataClass.swift and Photo+CoreDataProperties.swift in Project navigator if they exist. These files will be created and updated automatically by Xcode now.
I’m getting another error at compile time I don’t know what the problem is. If you could help me I’d be greatful. The error is: Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc failed with exit code 1