I’ve entered the code for printing RaiseMan from the book and made changes to get it to compile with Swift 4.1. When I run it, I get error messages when I try to print. Here is what I have so far:
In EmployeesPrintingView.Swift:
import Cocoa
private let font: NSFont = NSFont.userFixedPitchFont(ofSize: 12.0)!
// textAttrubutes is defined in the book as [String : AnyObject] This did not work, I chnged it to:
private let textAttributes: [NSAttributedStringKey : AnyObject] = [NSAttributedStringKey.font : font]
private let lineHeight: CGFloat = font.capHeight * 2.0
class EmployeesPrintingView: NSView {
let employees: [Employee]
var pageRect = NSRect()
var linesPerPage: Int = 0
var currentPage: Int = 0
// MARK: - Lifecycle
init(employees: [Employee]) {
self.employees = employees
super.init(frame: NSRect())
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("EmployeePrintingView cannot be instantiated from a nib.")
// MARK: - Pagination
override func knowsPageRange(_ range: NSRangePointer) -> Bool {
let printOperation = NSPrintOperation.current!
let printInfo: NSPrintInfo = printOperation.printInfo
// Where can I draw?
pageRect = printInfo.imageablePageBounds
let newFrame = NSRect(origin: CGPoint(), size: printInfo.paperSize)
frame = newFrame
// How many lines per page?
linesPerPage = Int(pageRect.height / lineHeight)
// Construct the range to return
var rangeOut = NSRange(location: 0, length: 0)
// Pages are 1-based. That is, the first page is page 1
rangeOut.location = 1
// How many pages will it take?
rangeOut.length = employees.count / linesPerPage
if employees.count % linesPerPage > 0 {
rangeOut.length = rangeOut.length + 1 // different from book
// Return the newly constructed range, rangeOut, via the range pointer
range.pointee = rangeOut
return true
override func rectForPage(_ page: Int) -> NSRect {
// Note the current page
// Although Cocoa uses 1-based indexing for the page number
// it's easier not to do that here.
currentPage = page - 1
// return the same page rect every time
return pageRect
// MARK: - Drawing
// The origin of the view is at the upper-left corner
override var isFlipped: Bool {
return true
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
var nameRect = NSRect(x: pageRect.minX,
y: 0,
width: 200.0,
height: lineHeight)
var raiseRect = NSRect(x: nameRect.maxX,
y: 0,
width: 100.0,
height: lineHeight)
for indexOnPage in 0..<linesPerPage {
let indexInEmployees = currentPage * linesPerPage + indexOnPage
if indexInEmployees >= employees.count {
let employee = employees[indexInEmployees]
// Draw index and name
// Note textAttrutes definition has been changed - see definition at top
nameRect.origin.y = pageRect.minY + CGFloat(indexOnPage) * lineHeight
let employeeName = (employee.name ?? "")
let indexAndName = "\(indexInEmployees) \(employeeName)"
indexAndName.draw(in: nameRect, withAttributes: textAttributes)
// Draw raise
raiseRect.origin.y = nameRect.minY
let raise = String(format: "%4.1f%%", employee.raise * 100)
let raiseString = raise
raiseString.draw(in: raiseRect, withAttributes: textAttributes)
Then in Document.Swift I have:
override func printOperation(withSettings printSettings: [NSPrintInfo.AttributeKey : Any])
throws -> NSPrintOperation {
let employeesPrintingView = EmployeesPrintingView(employees: employees)
let printInfo: NSPrintInfo = self.printInfo
let printOperation = NSPrintOperation(view: employeesPrintingView, printInfo: printInfo)
return printOperation
When I run it and click on Print… these are the error messages I receive:
2018-05-27 11:52:44.323204-0500 RaiseMan[5393:747635] Could not find image named 'GenericPostscriptPrinter'.
2018-05-27 11:52:44.326832-0500 RaiseMan[5393:747635] Failed to connect (_appIconImage) outlet from (PMPrintWindowController) to (NSImageView): missing setter or instance variable
2018-05-27 11:52:44.326958-0500 RaiseMan[5393:747635] Failed to connect (_simplePrintView) outlet from (PMPrintWindowController) to (NSView): missing setter or instance variable
I have had no luck finding answered online yet. Still looking.
Unless I’ve found the wrong Programming Guide, the Printing Programming Guide for Mac uses Objective-C, not Swift.