Trying to use the provider class

I am working slowly through the the GeoQuiz program and have hit a road bump. Using the provider class.
it first ask to use the gradle implementation 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle=extensions:2.0.0 but I am running on 2.2.0. after syncing added the codes:

private val quizViewModel: QuizViewModel by lazy{

ViewModelProviders is coming up as an error and is invalid. Looking to see how to fix this error.

This book already old. :smiley:

private val quizViewModel: QuizViewModel by lazy {
  val factory = QuizViewModelFactory()
  ViewModelProvider(this@QuizActivity, factory).get(

I read the preface in the book store before buying it and figured that “As of this writing, Android Studio is under active… visit for help with these differences.”, meant that the publishers would take part and keep errata on how to use their book… I guess that was an old joke too…