Window of app cannot be reopened

I have followed the instruction in your book and I have made a simplest application to test an empty windows app with a window controller and xib file for this controller. I have wrote all necessary code according to the book but after building the app and closing the window of app I cannot reopen the window from Dock. What is wrong ? Below the code. (I deleted window in MainMenu.xib and accordingly changed AppDelegate; and Visible at Launch box is unchecked) ). The book says that showWindow(_:slight_smile: will reopen the window, but I don’t see this !

import Cocoa

class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {

var control: Control?
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {

//Create a window controller object
let control = Control()
//Put the window of the window controler om the screen
//Set the propertity to point to window controler
self.control = control

func applicationWillTerminate(aNotification: NSNotification) {
// Insert code here to tear down your application

in my controller class

import Cocoa
class Control: NSWindowController
override var windowNibName: String?
return “Control”

  1. Learn to post code.
    After you posted your code, did you not think to yourself: “That looks terrible, and it’s hard to read.” ?

I just tried to do what you describe with one of the examples I coded from the book, and there is nothing in the Dock that presents a way to reopen a closed window. What makes you think that is possible?

I also tried the same thing using TextEdit(an Apple text editing app), and what you describe cannot be done in TextEdit either. Are there any apps that you have used where that is possible?

You can tell an application to exit after closing its last window by implementing the following method in its AppDelegate.

- (BOOL)applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:(NSApplication *)sender
    return YES;

Without this, the application will still linger in the dock.

[quote=“ibex10”]You can tell an application to exit after closing its last window by implementing the following method in its AppDelegate.

- (BOOL)applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:(NSApplication *)sender
    return YES;

Without this, the application will still linger in the dock.[/quote]

Thank you ! :exclamation:

Meanwhile,I have posted the same question also on the SO and have got also the working code. … -app-xcode