fun main() {
val name = "Madrigal"
var healthPoints = 89
val isBlessed = true
val isImmortal = false
// Karma
val karma = (Math.pow(Math.random(), (110 - healthPoints) / 100.0) * 20 ).toInt()
// Aura
val auraVisible = isBlessed && healthPoints > 50 || isImmortal
val auraColor = when (karma) {
in 0..5 -> "red"
in 6..10 -> "orange"
in 11..15 -> "purple"
in 16..20 -> "green"
else -> ""
val healthStatus = when (healthPoints) {
100 -> "is in excellent condition!"
in 90..99 -> "has a few scratches."
in 75..89 -> if (isBlessed) {
"has some minor wounds but is healing quite quickly!"
} else {
"has some minor wounds."
in 15..74 -> "looks pretty hurt."
else -> "is in awful condition!"
val statusFormatString = "(B: ${if (isBlessed) "YES" else "NO"}) (HP: $healthPoints) (A: ${if (auraVisible) auraColor else "NONE"}) -> $name $healthStatus"
// Player status
I think this provides a nice clean implementation. There must be a more idiomatic way of doing the string substitutions, though.
val formatString = "(HP)(A)(B) -> (H)"
val formatSpecifiers = "HP|H|A|B".toRegex()
var result = StringBuffer()
var i = 0
formatSpecifiers.findAll(formatString).forEach { match ->
result.append(when (match.value) {
"H" -> "$name $healthStatus"
"HP" -> "$healthPoints"
"A" -> "$aura"
"B" -> "$isBlessed"
else -> "?"
i = match.range.last+1
The idea here is to provide a regular expression that will match each of the possible substitution specifers. Use regex.findAll() to return a list of all of the matches in the string, and then loop through the format string pulling out a piece at a time, substituting the actual value for each matched sustitution specifier. If you wanted to add a new specifier token, add it to the regular expression, and the corresponding replacement operation in the when statement.
Hi, little remark, the solutions above output the following:
“(100)(Green) -> Madrigal is in excellent condition!”
but in challenge result must be:
“(HP: 100)(Aura: Green) -> Madrigal is in excellent condition!”
tnx aparatus, had to use full Kotlin version of replace to work:
var statusString:String="(HP)(A)(B) -> H"
var printString =statusString.replace(“HP”,“Points: $healthPoints”, ignoreCase = false)
.replace(“A”,“Aura: auraColor",ignoreCase = false)
.replace("B","Blessed: {if (isBlessed) “YES” else “NO”}”,ignoreCase = false)
.replace(“H”,"$name $healthStatus",ignoreCase = false)
to give:
(Points: 89)(Aura: ORANGE)(Blessed: YES) -> Madrigal has some minor wounds but is healing quite quickly
import kotlin.math.pow
fun main() {
val name = "Madrigal"
var healthPoints = 51
val isBlessed = true
val isImmortal = false
val formula = (Math.random().pow((110 - healthPoints) / 100.0) * 20).toInt()
val auraVisible = isBlessed && healthPoints > 50 || isImmortal
val auraColor = if (auraVisible) "GREEN" else "NONE"
val karma = when (formula) {
in 0..5 -> "red"
in 6..10 -> "orange"
in 11..15 -> "purple"
in 16..20 -> "green"
else -> "player's health entered incorrectly"
val healthStatus = when (healthPoints) {
100 -> "is in excellent condition!"
in 90..99 -> "has a few scratches!"
in 75..89 -> if (isBlessed) "has some minor wounds but is healing quite quickly!" else "has some minor wounds!"
in 15..74 -> "looks pretty hurt!"
else -> "is in awful condition!"
val A = "(Aura: $auraColor)"
val B = "(Blessed: ${if (isBlessed) "Yes" else "No"})"
val H = "$name $healthStatus"
val K = "(Karma: $karma)"
val HP = "(Health: $healthPoints)"
val statusFormatString = "$HP $A $B $K -> $H"