Challenge: Enhancing the Aura

Here’s my code for the challenge, is it correct?

fun main() {
val name = "Madrigal"
var healthPoints = 89
val isBlessed = true
val isImmortal = false

// Karma
val karma = (Math.pow(Math.random(), (110 - healthPoints) / 100.0) * 20 ).toInt()

// Aura
val auraVisible = isBlessed && healthPoints > 50 || isImmortal
val auraColor = when (karma) {
    in 0..5 -> "red"
    in 6..10 -> "orange"
    in 11..15 -> "purple"
    in 16..20 -> "green"
    else -> ""

val healthStatus = when (healthPoints) {
    100 -> "is in excellent condition!"
    in 90..99 -> "has a few scratches."
    in 75..89 -> if (isBlessed) {
        "has some minor wounds but is healing quite quickly!"
    } else {
        "has some minor wounds."
    in 15..74 -> "looks pretty hurt."
    else -> "is in awful condition!"

// Player status
println("(Aura: ${if (auraVisible) auraColor else "NONE"}) " +
        "(Blessed: ${if (isBlessed) "YES" else "NO"})")
println("$name $healthStatus")


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Yes, this is a nice solution.

Best regards