I wanted to add a way to skip US dollar conversion if local currency found to be $ (dollar). I started to play with NSLocale to pull currency code and currency symbol. Let me know what you think. there is obviously a more thorough way to do this but trying to stick with the challenge itself without diverting too much.
// main.m
// ObjC_CLASSES_Stocks_Challenge
// Created by EvilKernel on 9/25/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Zerogravity. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// #import "ZGCStockHolding.h"
#import "ZGCForeignStockHolding.h"
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
@autoreleasepool {
// Three 'stock' instances
ZGCStockHolding *stockUS1 = [[ZGCForeignStockHolding alloc] init];
[stockUS1 setShareName:@"US1 Stock"];
[stockUS1 setNumberOfShares:40];
[stockUS1 setPurchaseSharePrice:2.30];
[stockUS1 setCurrentSharePrice:4.50];
ZGCStockHolding *stockUS2 = [[ZGCForeignStockHolding alloc] init];
[stockUS2 setShareName:@"US2 Stock"];
[stockUS2 setNumberOfShares:90];
[stockUS2 setPurchaseSharePrice:12.19];
[stockUS2 setCurrentSharePrice:10.56];
// new instsance of subclass ZGCForeignStockholding
ZGCForeignStockHolding *stockUK = [[ZGCForeignStockHolding alloc] init];
stockUK.shareName = @"UK Stock";
stockUK.numberOfShares = 10; // subclass can use variables from its SuperClass
stockUK.purchaseSharePrice = 1.50;
stockUK.currentSharePrice = 2.00;
stockUK.conversionRate = 1.50; // new property via new subclass
ZGCForeignStockHolding *stockCH = [[ZGCForeignStockHolding alloc] init];
stockCH.shareName = @"China Stock";
stockCH.numberOfShares = 10; // subclass can use variables from its SuperClass
stockCH.purchaseSharePrice = 1.50;
stockCH.currentSharePrice = 2.00;
stockCH.conversionRate = 3.55; // new property via new subclass
// added a method/accessor to the CLASS as experiment (addToStock), which uses 'self' to add the object to an array
// via the method instead of explicitely in main()
NSMutableArray *stocks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[stockUS1 addToStocks:stocks];
[stockUS2 addToStocks:stocks];
[stockUK addToStocks:stocks]; // it can use methods from SuperClass too
[stockCH addToStocks:stocks];
// pull currency locale information
NSLocale *userLocale = [NSLocale currentLocale];
NSString *currencyCode = [userLocale objectForKey:NSLocaleCurrencyCode];
NSString *currencySym = [userLocale objectForKey:NSLocaleCurrencySymbol];
NSLog(@"Your Currency: (%@) %@", currencySym, currencyCode);
// Iterate over array
for (ZGCForeignStockHolding *s in stocks) { // using fast enum loop for arrays
if ([currencySym isEqualTo:@"$"]) {
s.conversionRate = 0;
s.conversionRate = s.conversionRate;
NSLog(@"Your conversion rate from %@ to USD: %.2f", currencyCode, s.conversionRate);
float cost = [s costInDollars];
float value = [s valueInDollars];
NSLog(@"You paid $%.2fUSD for %d shares of %@, now valued at $%.2fUSD", cost, [s numberOfShares], [s shareName], value);
return 0;
// ZCGForeignStockHolding.m
// ObjC_CLASSES_ZGCStockHolding_Stocks_Challenge
// Created by EvilKernel on 10/1/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Zerogravity. All rights reserved.
#import "ZGCForeignStockHolding.h"
@implementation ZGCForeignStockHolding
// reimplementing these methods to account for conversion of foreign stock in US dollars
- (float) costInDollars
if (self.conversionRate) { // if conversionRate not nil, process subclass method, else revert to SuperClass method to avoid 0 values.
float localCostInDollars = [super costInDollars];
return localCostInDollars * self.conversionRate;
return [super costInDollars];
- (float) valueInDollars
if (self.conversionRate) {
float localValueInDollars = [super valueInDollars];
return localValueInDollars * self.conversionRate;
return [super valueInDollars];
// ZCGForeignStockHolding.h
// ObjC_CLASSES_ZGCStockHolding_Stocks_Challenge
// Created by EvilKernel on 10/1/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Zerogravity. All rights reserved.
#import "ZGCStockHolding.h"
@interface ZGCForeignStockHolding : ZGCStockHolding
@property (nonatomic) float conversionRate; // only one property in this subclass
// ZGStockHolding.m
// ObjC_CLASSES_Stocks_Challenge
// Created by EvilKernel on 9/25/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Zerogravity. All rights reserved.
#import "ZGCStockHolding.h" // import declarations
// implement accessors / methods
@implementation ZGCStockHolding
- (float)purchaseSharePrice
return _purchaseSharePrice;
- (void)setPurchaseSharePrice:(float)pp
_purchaseSharePrice = pp;
- (float)currentSharePrice
return _currentSharePrice;
- (void)setCurrentSharePrice:(float)cp
_currentSharePrice = cp;
- (int)numberOfShares
return _numberOfShares;
- (void)setNumberOfShares:(int)n
_numberOfShares = n;
- (NSString *)shareName
return _shareName;
- (void)setShareName:(NSString *)name
_shareName = name;
- (void)addToStocks:(NSMutableArray *)array
[array addObject:self];
- (float)costInDollars
return [self purchaseSharePrice] * [self numberOfShares]; // using self instead of explicit _variables
- (float)valueInDollars
return [self currentSharePrice] * [self numberOfShares]; // using self instead of actual _variables
// ZGStockHolding.h
// ObjC_CLASSES_Stocks_Challenge
// Created by EvilKernel on 9/25/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Zerogravity. All rights reserved.
// ZGCStockHolding CLASS
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface ZGCStockHolding : NSObject
// Instance variables (using properties is the way to go instead of this shit)
float _purchaseSharePrice;
float _currentSharePrice;
int _numberOfShares;
NSString *_shareName;
/* Methods / accessors declarations
setter and getter accessors */
- (float)purchaseSharePrice;
- (void)setPurchaseSharePrice:(float)pp;
- (float)currentSharePrice;
- (void)setCurrentSharePrice:(float)cp;
- (int)numberOfShares;
- (void)setNumberOfShares:(int)n;
- (NSString *)shareName;
- (void)setShareName:(NSString *)name;
- (void)addToStocks:(NSMutableArray *)array; //accesor to add to array via method instead of in main()
// getter cost and value accessors
- (float)costInDollars; // purchaseSharePrice * numberOfShares
- (float)valueInDollars; // currentSharePrice * numberOFShares
**** OUTPUT ****
[color=#0000FF]2014-10-04 21:27:43.370 ObjC_CLASSES_ZGCStockHolding_Stocks_Challenge[4990:303] Your Currency: ($) USD
2014-10-04 21:27:43.371 ObjC_CLASSES_ZGCStockHolding_Stocks_Challenge[4990:303] You paid $92.00USD for 40 shares of US1 Stock, now valued at $180.00USD
2014-10-04 21:27:43.371 ObjC_CLASSES_ZGCStockHolding_Stocks_Challenge[4990:303] You paid $1097.10USD for 90 shares of US2 Stock, now valued at $950.40USD
2014-10-04 21:27:43.371 ObjC_CLASSES_ZGCStockHolding_Stocks_Challenge[4990:303] You paid $15.00USD for 10 shares of UK Stock, now valued at $20.00USD
2014-10-04 21:27:43.372 ObjC_CLASSES_ZGCStockHolding_Stocks_Challenge[4990:303] You paid $15.00USD for 10 shares of China Stock, now valued at $20.00USD
Program ended with exit code: 0[/color]
[color=#8040BF]2014-10-04 21:34:31.659 ObjC_CLASSES_ZGCStockHolding_Stocks_Challenge[5069:303] Your Currency: (¥) JPY
2014-10-04 21:34:31.660 ObjC_CLASSES_ZGCStockHolding_Stocks_Challenge[5069:303] Your conversion rate from JPY to USD: 0.00
2014-10-04 21:34:31.660 ObjC_CLASSES_ZGCStockHolding_Stocks_Challenge[5069:303] You paid $92.00USD for 40 shares of US1 Stock, now valued at $180.00USD
2014-10-04 21:34:31.661 ObjC_CLASSES_ZGCStockHolding_Stocks_Challenge[5069:303] Your conversion rate from JPY to USD: 0.00
2014-10-04 21:34:31.661 ObjC_CLASSES_ZGCStockHolding_Stocks_Challenge[5069:303] You paid $1097.10USD for 90 shares of US2 Stock, now valued at $950.40USD
2014-10-04 21:34:31.661 ObjC_CLASSES_ZGCStockHolding_Stocks_Challenge[5069:303] Your conversion rate from JPY to USD: 1.50
2014-10-04 21:34:31.662 ObjC_CLASSES_ZGCStockHolding_Stocks_Challenge[5069:303] You paid $22.50USD for 10 shares of UK Stock, now valued at $30.00USD
2014-10-04 21:34:31.662 ObjC_CLASSES_ZGCStockHolding_Stocks_Challenge[5069:303] Your conversion rate from JPY to USD: 3.55
2014-10-04 21:34:31.662 ObjC_CLASSES_ZGCStockHolding_Stocks_Challenge[5069:303] You paid $53.25USD for 10 shares of China Stock, now valued at $71.00USD
Program ended with exit code: 0[/color]