Hi, I was wondering if anyone tried a ConstraintLayout as container for the fragments and as the layout for the fragments themselves, as I see the book was written before ConstraintLayout was introduced. Google suggests using ConstraintLayout for most layouts now, so any drawbacks to using them for the tutorials in the book that I might not know about?
Haha, you got the exact same worries I had when I started this book. Don’t worry, ConstraintLayouts will be explained later on in the book, you’re actually quite close to that topic. I assume there aren’t any drawbacks of using ConstraintLayouts instead of the other types, but who knows. If you do change, being able to help out on problems will probably be more problematic than when you stick to the book’s examples. Just a word of caution
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Thanks very much, I really appreciate the reply. I didn’t know
ConstraintLayouts were covered in the book. I’ll stick to the examples then
as your last point is a very valid one :).
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