EmberX-Select has switched to v3.0 and the example in Ch.24 used v2.x. When installing with ember install emberx-select
on page 437 use ember install emberx-select@2.2.3
already tried that approach but nothing, seems like an issue with ember compiling
which version of Ember do you have installed?
Here is the mark-up when using emberx-select version 3.0.0
<!-- templates/sightings/new.hbs -->
{{#x-select value=model.sighting.cryptid class="form-control" as |xs|}}
{{#xs.option}}Select Cryptid{{/xs.option}}
{{#each model.cryptids as |cryptid|}}
{{#xs.option value=cryptid}}{{cryptid.name}}{{/xs.option}}
<div class="form-group">
{{#x-select value=model.sighting.witnesses multiple=true class="form-control" as |xs|}}
{{#each model.witnesses as |witness|}}
{{#xs.option value=witness}}{{witness.fullName}}{{/xs.option}}
I have been running into an issue with EmberX-Select not assigning the value in the x-select
components to the model.sightings. I have changed a few things in my solutions and it seems to be working out.
In the file routes/sightings/new.js
, I add a couple actions:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model() {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
sighting: this.store.createRecord('sighting'),
cryptids: this.store.findAll('cryptid'),
witnesses: this.store.findAll('witness')
sighting: Ember.computed.alias('controller.model.sighting'),
actions: {
willTransition() {
var sighting = this.get('controller.model.sighting');
if (sighting.get('hasDirtyAttributes')) {
create() {
var self = this;
this.get('sighting').save().then(function() {
cancel() {
+ didMakeWitnessSelection(value) {
this.get('sighting').set('witnesses', value);
+ didMakeCryptidSelection(value) {
this.get('sighting').set('cryptid', value);
In the template templates/sightings/new.hbs
I removed the values and added actions to the x-select
<div class="form-group">
<label for="name">Cryptid</label>
{{#x-select action="didMakeCryptidSelection" on="change" class="form-control" as |xs|}}
{{#xs.option}}Select Cryptid{{/xs.option}}
{{#each model.cryptids as |cryptid|}}
{{#xs.option value=cryptid}}{{cryptid.name}}{{/xs.option}}
<div class="form-group">
{{#x-select action="didMakeWitnessSelection" on="change" multiple=true class="form-control" as |xs|}}
{{#each model.witnesses as |witness|}}
{{#xs.option value=witness}}{{witness.fullName}}{{/xs.option}}
This might clear up some issues.
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thanks a lot @tgandee