My Solution to Challenge - addYourselfToArray class method

Here is my solution to the Chapter 18 challenge, see below in subsequent posts BNRStockHolding.h, BNRStockHolding.m and main.m. The program gives the following output for each share in the portfolio:-

'For company Big Bucks Corporation, you own 100 shares, which were purchased at a price per share of $1.95 for a total purchase cost of $195.00, today the shares have a price of $2.10 giving a total market value of $210.00, meaning you have a potential paper profit of $15.00"

Output message also adjusted if stock is showing a loss.

Appreciate any feedback on improvements I could make.

[code]#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface BNRStockHolding : NSObject

// create the instance variables

float _purchaseSharePrice;
float _currentSharePrice;
int _numberOfShares;
NSString *_nameOfShare;

// create the setter and getter methods

  • (float)purchaseSharePrice;
  • (void)setPurchaseSharePrice:(float)p;
  • (float)currentSharePrice;
  • (void)setCurrentSharePrice:(float)c;
  • (int)numberOfShares;
  • (void)setNumberOfShares:(int)q;
  • (NSString *)nameOfShare;
  • (void)setNameOfShare:(NSString *)n;

// create the BNRStockHolding methods

  • (float)costInDollars;
  • (float)valueInDollars;
  • (void)addYourselfToArray:(NSMutableArray *)array; // method to add instance of BNRStockHolding to mutuable array


[code]#import “BNRStockHolding.h”

@implementation BNRStockHolding

  • (float)purchaseSharePrice
    return _purchaseSharePrice;

  • (void)setPurchaseSharePrice:(float)p
    _purchaseSharePrice = p;

  • (float)currentSharePrice
    return _currentSharePrice;

  • (void)setCurrentSharePrice:(float)c
    _currentSharePrice = c;

  • (int)numberOfShares
    return _numberOfShares;

  • (void)setNumberOfShares:(int)q
    _numberOfShares = q;

  • (NSString *)nameOfShare
    return _nameOfShare;

  • (void)setNameOfShare:(NSString *)n
    _nameOfShare = n;

  • (float)costInDollars
    float price =[self purchaseSharePrice];
    return [self numberOfShares] * price;

  • (float)valueInDollars
    float current = [self currentSharePrice ];
    return [self numberOfShares] * current;

-(void)addYourselfToArray:(NSMutableArray *)array
[array addObject:self];


[code]#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "BNRStockHolding.h"
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])

@autoreleasepool {
    // create the NSMutableArray to hold stock portfolio
    NSMutableArray *stockPortfolio =[NSMutableArray array];
    // create 3 instances of BNRStockHolding
    BNRStockHolding *stocka =[[BNRStockHolding alloc]init];
    BNRStockHolding *stockb =[[BNRStockHolding alloc]init];
    BNRStockHolding *stockc =[[BNRStockHolding alloc]init];
    // set values of instance variables using setters
    [stocka setPurchaseSharePrice:1.95];
    [stocka setNumberOfShares:100];
    [stocka setCurrentSharePrice:2.10];
    [stocka setNameOfShare:@"Big Bucks Corporation"];
    [stocka addYourselfToArray:(stockPortfolio)];
    [stockb setPurchaseSharePrice:2.95];
    [stockb setNumberOfShares:150];
    [stockb setCurrentSharePrice:3.10];
    [stockb setNameOfShare:@"Mega Bucks Corporation"];
    [stockb addYourselfToArray:(stockPortfolio)];

    [stockc setPurchaseSharePrice:0.95];
    [stockc setNumberOfShares:50];
    [stockc setCurrentSharePrice:0.75];
    [stockc setNameOfShare:@"Small Bucks Corporation"];
    [stockc addYourselfToArray:(stockPortfolio)];
    // For loop to iterate through stockPortfolio array
    for (BNRStockHolding *i in stockPortfolio){
        NSString *name = [i nameOfShare];
        int shares = [i numberOfShares];
        float purchasePrice =[i purchaseSharePrice];
        float totalCost = [i costInDollars];
        float currentPrice = [i currentSharePrice];
        float marketValue = [i valueInDollars];
        float profit = marketValue - totalCost;
        // determines if a profit or loss has been made and changes output accordingly.
        if (profit < 0) {
            NSLog(@"For company %@, you own %d shares, which were purchased at a price per share of $%.2f for a total purchase cost of $%.2f, today the shares have a price of $%.2f giving a total market value of $%.2f, meaning you have a potential paper loss of $%.2f", name, shares,purchasePrice, totalCost,currentPrice,marketValue, profit);
        } else {
            NSLog(@"For company %@, you own %d shares, which were purchased at a price per share of $%.2f for a total purchase cost of $%.2f, today the shares have a price of $%.2f giving a total market value of $%.2f, meaning you have a potential paper profit of $%.2f", name, shares,purchasePrice, totalCost,currentPrice,marketValue, profit);

return 0;
