P37 "All values segment" missing in Xcode 7

In the last line of page 37, it says “then click the All values segment, as shown in Figure 2.5.”

There is no “All values segment” button visible to me in Xcode 7.

A Companion Guide for Xcode 7 has been published athttps://github.com/bignerdranch/cocoa-programming-for-osx-5e/blob/master/Swift2.md.

I don’t see anything about this issue in the chapter 2 section of the companion guide.

github.com/bignerdranch/cocoa-p … wift-types

If your question has anything to do with playgrounds, then I’ve found playgrounds to be completely useless. Instead of creating a playground, create a Command Line Tool and choose Swift as the language. However…

…at least that’s the way it works in Xcode 6.3.2.

And another hint: do not waste a single minute of your time on the exercises in the upcoming Chapter 3–instead read the chapter, but skip the exercises, and instead read the Swift docs on Classes and Structures here:

developer.apple.com/library/ios … -CH13-ID82

If you do that, you’ll know more than anyone who just read the chapter and did the exercises.

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For helpful info on viewing results of executed statements in a playground, I offer these two links:
