{errmsg: “This MongoDB deployment does not support retryable… add retryWrites=false to your connection string.”, originalError: {…}, name: “MongoError”}
errmsg: “This MongoDB deployment does not support retryable writes. Please add retryWrites=false to your connection string.”
name: “MongoError”
originalError: {operationTime: “6842960496937664513”, ok: 0, errmsg: “Transaction numbers are only allowed on storage engines that support document-level locking”, code: 20, codeName: “IllegalOperation”, …}
I am facing the same issue after disabling CORS in Chrome by launching it from the command line as follows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=~/chromeTemp
Is there a fix for this???
This chapter and the next are rather useless if not
Same issue. I imagine they have to fix this on their end when they connect to MongoDB. Maybe it’s a MongoDB 4.2 issue since the default for retryWrites is true?