To update or not to update

When is it the right time to update SDKs. Whenever a new one is published? When you start a new project? If during a project, do you revise min/max/compile versions for the project? If “no” updating, is there a way to stop the persistent nag screen. In regards to using the Big Nerd Books is it a good idea to match SDK versions to the examples in the book? It will be interesting to get advice on good practice.

As you’re working through the book, in general, we recommend that you use the default versions that you get when you create a new project in Android Studio. We do not recommend that you match the exact versions as what’s in the book. The only exception to this is the minimum SDK. Each version of the book has a certain min SDK and we recommend that you stick with that minimum as you work through (in the 3rd edition, the minimum is API level 19).

In a real project, most people do not frequently update their target/min/compile SDK versions very often. On a long-running project, you might set aside some time to make those updates once a year or so (unless there are new features of the next Android release and you really want to use those in your project). I do frequently update Android Studio as I work through a project.

There’s more info about this in the Android Versions chapter at the end of the Geo Quiz series in the book.

This is really good advice to establish a good practice for a current project as well as for the next and future projects. Thanks very much.

I’m having the same issue. i updated AS to 3.6.2 and i’m following the tutorial on the 3rd edition and now i’m getting all of this errors. I believe the issue have to do the with the update cause before i did not have any issues at all. Any insight in what to do. Thanks.