In the “Preparing for localization” section, Figure 7.6 Preview, the labels for the converter have text in lowercase as we we typed it in previous chapters: “value”, “degrees Fahrenheit,” and so on.
Then on the next page, Figure 7.7 Double text strings shows the double text in all caps: “VALUE”, “DEGREES FAHRENHEIT,” etc. With the text capitalized, label text occupies more space, labels occupy multiple lines, etc. This is helpful as an illustration, but I didn’t find something in the book indicating the text should change from lowercase to uppercase, or that we should edit the text.
In XCode 12.0.1, selecting Double-Length Pseudolanguage at the bottom right of the Preview window does not change the text from lowercase to uppercase. I have iPhone 11 Pro selected. As far as I can tell, I’ve followed all the instructions.
Obviously this isn’t a big deal, and I can manually edit the labels to make the text uppercase, but I’m curious whether others have seen the same thing.