Hey everyone,
I have a flashcard app on Github under WillyScott/Kotlin and data for the app is under WillyScott/AndroidProgramming3rd.
The app is written in mostly Kotlin and is a simple front/back text base flashcard program. Flashcards can be imported from github (JSON format only), created, edited, deleted, tracked and I will complete a export function(plus other functionality is planned). All data is persisted to the Room database.
Currently I only have chapter 7 Fragments data completed.
If anyone wants to create data (pick a chapter) or add functionality to the app that would be great.
Instructions on how to create data for the app
For IOS users I also have the same app under
https://github.com/WillyScott/FlashCardsSwift and it in the App store.(the app is called SwiftCard - it might be hard to find). Also the app needs to be updated.