Quiz app keeps restarting in Simulator

After clicking on the Build and Run button, the simulator launches, then the Quiz app tried to start. It started as a black screen, then quit, then restart to a black screen again, then quit again… The app keeps on looping for a while, sometimes it launch successfully, sometimes it keeps looping. In middle of the restarting cycle, I can also see another ghost Quiz icon on simulator home screen. I have tried this on various iPhone sizes and all experience the same behavior.

Does anyone have the same problem? I am using Xcode 9.0.1, and using View as iPhone 8 option.

Hmmm, that is interesting. I have the same problem, but with Android proggramming and it was so long time ago( Try to restart it again,clear cashe. Also check your apps - maybe there are any additional programme, which cause that problem. About this you can find it here, I hope that may help you)