In the book, “Cocoa Programming for OS X: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (5th Edition)”, the chapters on Swift, early on in the book, ask the readers to review Apple’s documentation at the URL: There is a page there about Swift, but it’s about Swift 2.0 which I don’t want to learn yet and the Big Nerd Ranch doesn’t recommend yet either.
I’m looking for two articles: 1) The Swift Language Guide, and 2) The Swift Reference Guide.
Ah, that’s inconvenient. Thanks for pointing this out.
It looks like they have hidden the Swift 1.x links on the Resources page – scroll down to Xcode 6. Here are direct links: HTML, iBooks.
It’s likely that those will be updated to 2.0 once Xcode 7 is out of beta sometime this fall so we may need to find another workaround at that time. Another reference is SwiftDoc, a Swift standard library reference site. You might also want to check out Dash, a documentation browser for OS X.