Xcode 6 and this book

has anybody going through the 2nd ed of this book upgraded to Xcode 6.0.1 yet?

I’m going through the book right now (on Chapter 27 of 42), using Xcode 6.1. It seems that 95% of what is in the book is still valid. But that 5% that is different is confusing and frustrating. It would be really great if the authors would post a few updates for using the book with Xcode 6. Since they haven’t, I’ll share what I’ve learned.

File Creation: the book instructs you to create files of “Objective-C class”. These no longer exist. I’ve been creating files using “Cocoa Class” and it seems to work. This is one of those issues that is time consuming to guess and check your way through creating various file types to see which will work, and would be an easy thing for the authors to post a quick update on which file type to click on.

There are several places where the books instructs you to type in some code using a method that has been deprecated. Since an error popped up, and the method is listed in strikeout format in the Class Reference, I thought it wouldn’t be usable. Apparently it is usable, just frowned upon. Once instance of this is in Chapter 20, where method dateWithNaturalLanguageString is called on an instance of NSDate. Apparently, that method has been deprecated, which I took to mean discontinued. To continue with the exercise, I spent a while reading through the NSDate Class Reference documentation to select a different method for initiating an NSDate. I found this to be an annoying sidetrack. However, as the book mentions repeatedly, the novice programmer should spend some time reading and getting familiar with the Class Reference documentation of the classes they’ll be using. So… I guess it’s a good thing?