Trying out Time Profiler for the first time, per the chapter instructions. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get Time Profiler to launch Scattered (or with any other app for that matter nor would any other instrument work). A Google search didn’t help. Then I decided to edit the Scheme and change the option from Ask on Launch to Time Profiler directly. I ran profile again and voila, I’m able to collect data.
For fun, I changed the scheme back to Ask on Launch and this time it prompted me and then successfully collected data when I ran Scattered. I was able to use other instruments at this point as well.
This is the latest and greatest XCode, by the way. I smell a bug in XCode. 
Can you provide a little more detail on where it stopped matching the book? Were you able to select the Time Profiler instrument, which then presented the Instruments window? And then what happened when you clicked the record button (red circle at the upper left)? (nothing?)
[quote=“AdamPreble”]Can you provide a little more detail on where it stopped matching the book? Were you able to select the Time Profiler instrument, which then presented the Instruments window? And then what happened when you clicked the record button (red circle at the upper left)? (nothing?)
I was able to load the instrument, I press recorded and the time advanced, but no data collected. The book is definitely correct, it was XCode that was misbehaving.